Monday, January 5, 2009

Queen of the Rhetorical Questions?

1. Do dogs think you know what they want when they sit right next to you and stare?

2. Do I really have to make "go-home" treat bags for my son's birthday party?

3. My ex-husband and his parents are spending the night at my house this weekend, am I crazy?

4. Do 14 year olds really know how to clean a bathroom without supervision?

5. Can I eat a big bowl of icecream with Jenkins Heavenly Sauce daily and lose 40 lbs?


Mnmom said...

1. Yes. And you probably do.
2. No! Start a new trend. I send them home with a flower from a cheap bouquet and a pencil.
3. No, he is. Actually I think you'll all be just fine. They are really there to see the boy - keep that the focus.
4. No. Nor can 46 year old men.
5. I'm still working on that one. When I have the definitive answer, I'll let you know.

Missy said...

1. Yes. All they want is love and treats and a w-a-l-k. Meanwhile, my cat thinks that I am an idiot.

2. NO! NO! Maybe have a little art project be a part of the party, or the pencil idea! I am not sure of the age group...but those treat bags get out of hand!

3. It appears so, but I do not know you or them.

4. No. Neither do many adults. I cleaned our bathroom starting when I was 10, and I know my Dad swooped in and tied up loose ends.

5. I will have to go to Northfield and try some first.

Kireliols said...

I am against answering rhetorical questions but I had to comment just because the word verification was "bedosor"- sounds like a theme park ride I don't want to go on.

Little Sister said...

Thank you, MnMom. I am receiving all sorts of support in the BAN TREAT BAGS movement.

Missy: Yes, I too have to spell THAT word.

Kirelimel: The Bedosor sounds like some trendy new restaurant that serves bad food with attitude-what a funny verification. Thanks for the laugh.

Madame Leiderhosen said...

1. "Whozagoodboy?! Whoza? You?! Yes!!"
2. Oh, hell no. Make them bring you gift bags. Or clean the damn bathroom.
3. Yes. And you will come over here while they are distracted and we'll go for drinks. Here. Have a gift bag.
4. I'll go with MNMOM on this one. Clever one, that girl.
5. What kind of ice cream are we talking about here? Dangerous territory this. Cuban Missile Crisis dangerous.