Friday, January 16, 2009

I've Been Tagged-6 Random Things

Now I tag Brenda K, Suzie Q, and Madame L.....

1. I have had a job up until August 2008 since I was 14 years old. I am not quite use to not having my own income. It feels weird and I feel guilty.
2. I am happy with my body. Sure there have been days when I wished for long legs and a flat chest, but all-in-all I love my body and have always felt confident.
3. My parents were great. They had terrible fights and probably should not have stayed together, but I always felt loved and cared for. I thought we were wealthy growing up and I cannot remember ever feeling that I was going without. Could explain number 2.
4. As mentioned in a previous post, I love cars. I like to pretend shop for them on the internet. I love the 360 degree views that the online ads offer. I would love to attend a big auto show.
5. I have worked as a certified nurses aide, a veterinarian technician, a marketing director for a real estate development company, a nanny, a manager of a cooking school and lastly an assistant director of catering at a college. I loved all my jobs.
6. I have an uncanny ability to remember names of classmates going back to kindergarten.

There are my six random things-which were almost impossible to type due to the fact that my 7 year old was sitting next to me-saying, "Mom, I can make this Anakin disappear in your ear." And, "Hey, look at me." When I looked over he was wearing a tissue paper green crown from a Christmas Cracker...he gave it to me and now I am wearing it. I feel oh so festive and am reminded that life is too short to continue typing while my son is home and wants to play with me. I am blessed-oops that 7 things.


Mnmom said...

You have about 47 more uncanny abilities but blog space just isn't large enough.

I can picture that scene right now.

Little Sister said...

thanks, sis...

Scott J. said...

re: #6 - Have I got a treat for you! Might take a day or two but it will be oh, so fun!

themom said...

Another insightful meme response. Super.

Cheesecake Maven said...

Fun random thoughts! And the moments with young kids are fleeting, enjoy each one! I was at the rink today picking up son #2 and saw a dad skating under the lights with his very young daughter, had the rink all to themselves. It brought back beautiful memories of skating at night with our dad, do you remember that? He was a great skater! Good memories. And I'm so glad they stuck it out, or we'd have nothing to laugh and talk about at family gatherings with the grand-kids now! Hee Hee Hee