Friday, February 5, 2010

What is Grace?

So, my S.O. and I have broken off our relationship. I know it is for the best-as does he. Unfortunately, it had been the most incredible, most powerful, most sincere relationship I have ever experienced in my life. How does one go on from this?? How do you pick up the pieces and move forward? I would take this man back in a heartbeat if he were willing to be "all in" all the time, but how long does one wait for that to happen?? He has an entire OTHER life when he is not with me. It is so hard to be in this state of flux-the unknown, between trapeze bars...I love this man deeply with sincerity, but maybe it is just not our season. So hard.

So, with all that said, I am moving forward with new goals. And, I am opening myself to the possibility that all is perfect and all will be fine. Man, I am a good catch! Trying very hard to remember that and to live with grace and love in my heart always.

Good bye, Eddie Bruce. I love you.


Mnmom said...

I love you so, and wish I could change it all. Very brave of you to not settle for 2nd best. I really don't know what he's after, but it's not mine to know.
Love you.

Madame Leiderhosen said...

Of course you are a good catch and you deserve nothing less than "all in".

Go forth bravely!

michaelg said...

You are an amazing catch that needs a strong all-in man to be your counterpart.

suzieQ said...


Little Sister said...

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! Thank you!