Sunday, May 24, 2009

Recognizing Wisdom

I opted out of going with SO to his family's gathering. I have PMS-actually teeters on PMDD- every 28 days. I am going through it right now and am so glad that I am home with just my son to take care of-as he would say, "Easy peasy, lemon squeezey." I am spending this glorious time with books and quiet bike rides (to check up on my son).

We watched Marley & Me last night and that pretty much took care of the need to cry. I have a yellow lab (Maple) who is almost 9. She, my son, the little yorkie, Pal, and me all together in the big bed for the movie. Perfect.

My son is loving the fact that he does not have any scheduled event for a couple of days. He has been riding his bike around the "hood" and finding all sorts of new friends. He played Hot Box, jumped on the trampoline, had a watergun fight, played Ghost in The Graveyard, and rode to the park with two 9 year olds for tag on the playground equipment. I swear he grew two inches overnight.

Oh, and the pork roast turned out perfect - the lid never did slip. (see previous post)


Cheesecake Maven said...

Sounds like a nice, relaxing evening, blissful. We have about fifteen 14 & 15 yr olds in the backyard right now having a campfire. Why do they have to yell so much at that age? Well, I'd worry more if they were quiet!

Kireliols said...

Ghost in the graveyard...ahh. Memories of my dead end street and the honeycomb kids group I grew up with way back in the early 70s. We played kick the can by day and ghost by night- we had tye-dye parties and carnivals put on by one family who was the kid magnet house- we used up endless amounts of chalk drawing elaborate courses to follow on our bikes...we spent mornings hunting agates on the empty lots and made forts in the neighborhood woods...thanks for the memories...

Little Sister said...

Maven-the boys next door (14 and 15) were in the pool until 11pm. I never knew how loud Marco/Polo could be. AND they scream like girls.
K-are you sure you were not one of my neighbors growing up? We played bank, kick-the-can, prisoner in the foundations of soon-to-be, fun, fun.

Mnmom said...

Good choices, all around.