Sunday, November 23, 2008

Raising a Boy

I tell ya, I never imagined myself as a sports person. In fact I have always been into music, drama, art, and yes even marching band (still get goosebumps watching DCI).

I have a 6 year old boy...and he is all boy. I know more about Star Wars than I care to admit. I can hold my own against an impressive offensive line in two-hand touch football AND have to listen to endless stories about battles and imaginary sports games.

Also, if MG thinks that my flatulence is surprising then he has not been around a group of 6-8 year old boys in while. MY GOD! The burping, farting, and endless talking of those bodily functions is just not something I thought I would have to be subjected to daily.

On the flip side-my son is such a light. He dances, plays the drums, and put on plays. He also loves to dress up in different "costumes." I posted a few pics here to demonstrate. Enjoy and wish me luck here in testosteroneland...


Mnmom said...

I imagine this is the mirror opposite of what my husband feels. He's become quite adept at picking out tampons at Target and keeping track of "certain days" on the calendar. I think he does it out of survival instinct, not love.synch

Scott J. said...

Looking at that first picture, I'm imagining something like, "I got your bed time right mere, Mom!"

Those were great times, when a simple exclamation of "underpants!" or "butt!" could make us laugh all afternoon.

Scott J. said...

"right Here", that is...