Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Great Evening

I saw Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt in concert last night at the Historic Rialto Square Theater in Joliet, IL. The theater is amazing!! It was like sitting inside of a rare jewel...and Lovett and Hiatt were having a great time. the pictures just don't do it justice. Check out the history-it was going to be demolished for a parking lot!! ONE WOMAN called everyone she knew and the enthusiasm took off.

Of course there had to be one die-hard "john" fan that would constantly yell out things, "Thanks, John" as if he personally knew the guy and at one point while Lovett was talking the same guy shouted something and Lovett stopped, looked up an said, See, that is the problem, we can't hear you when you talk when I am talking..." The crowd laughed and clapped and Mr. Call-out-a-song finally shut up.

All in all a great evening.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Melinda June and I had a great time at the car show. Mostly we enjoyed checking out every vehicle imaginable without the hassle of a salesperson...truly a beautiful thing.
Here we are!

Lunch...Chicago Dog-hot peppers, mustard, onion, relish, tomato, pickle spear, NO KETCHUP!

I will post more later....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Looking Forward to....

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I like cars. Well, it just so happens that tomorrow is "Women's Day" at the Chicago Auto Show. I called Melinda June and she will be joining me. I cannot wait. I am taking the train into Chicago and she will meet me at my station. From there to the show then out for dinner. I promise to take lots of pictures.

On another note. In the last four days I have noticed little red patches (like bites) all over my body. they do not itch, but appear to look an awful lot like eczema. Just weird I tell ya, weird. Will watch them for the next couple of weeks and if they do not go away, I will go to doc.

I hate getting older.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Pet Peeve

I have a pet peeve about phones. Seems that answering a phone call is annoying to some people. I hate calling and having the person answering sound as if I have interrupted their time. If you don't want to talk to anyone, then don't answer the phone! Let the answering machine pick it up and listen when you have time. This seems to happening more and more-is it due to the overwhelming number of sales calls? Is it because we have lost our sense of civility and courteousness due to texting and e-mail?? Your thoughts, please.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend Randomness...

1. Yesterday had future in-laws here for lunch. Burgers from grill and cucumbers in sugar/vinegar...yummy meal.
2. SO's boys here for far they have misplaced IPOD, cell phone charger, eye glasses. Of course I am to know where everything is...alas, eyeglasses found, oldest's IPOD still awol.
3. SO and I scrubbed the kitchen floor on hands and knees then I waxed them with eco-friendly stuff. They look beautiful AND so do my fingernails...I remember my cousin Anne commenting on how wonderful it was to have such shiny nails after waxing. Budget manicure!!
4. Absolutely beautiful weather both Saturday and Sunday. We hit a high of 62 degrees on Saturday. Of course we sat out on the deck until the temp dropped to 48 and it still felt warm.
5. Fresh flowers on table are a delight.
6. HAVE to go to IKEA tomorrow to buy another giant bag of tealights-darn. Yes I know that Target has them, too, but I love an excuse to go to IKEA.
7. Have a new haircut that makes me feel younger and healthier. A good hair cut goes a long way to better ones mental health.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Being a parent sure does require one to trust, fully. Trust that the neighbor sees your child walking across the sidewalk before backing his car out, trusting that your child is watching for cars as he crosses the street to his stop, trusting that the bus driver will be safe on the road, trusting that his teacher will be kind, trusting that other kids will be nice to him, trusting that he will eat his lunch at school. The list goes on and on...I know he will be fine. Today just happened to be one of those days that I wanted to send him on his way in a giant "safety green" bubble.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dragon Parade

My 7 year old celebrated the Chinese New Year all week and directed me on how to make this dragon. We then proceeded to march around the kitchen island...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Random Weekend Things

Had a great day yesterday. It was 40 degrees and sunny outside. My son, dog, and SO and I went to McKinley Woods for a walk. Ended up having a great snowball fight. BEAUTIFUL time together. We also made a dragon from paper mache bowl and platter. I will post those photos tomorrow.