Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shattered Mirrors

i will turn to meet my destiny,
reflected in shattered mirrors.
heart broken open,
i will pick up the pieces
no matter how sharp
to reflect
what is neglected
in dark corners,
wounded, light deprived,
with prayerful hands i'll
recycle devastation to
nourish new life.
art, like gardening,
is an act of faith and healing,
shining for the world.
as Mystery's greater
than the sum of all suffering,
i will trust to Love.

-Mimi Foyle 2008


Mnmom said...


Little Sister said...

It is a poem I found and I liked it...healing, seeking light, making something beautiful out of negativity, embracing love even though my heart was broken by it before. That is what I got from it...