Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My First March Post

Here it is already March 3rd and I am just getting back to blogging...March is my favorite month and here are just a few of the reasons why:
1. My birthday is March 22 and my fiance's is March 19.
2. You know that warmer weather is coming.
3. The first crocuses and daffodils begin pushing their way to sunshine.
4. NCAA basketball tournament...I do like to watch a few of the games and I love filling out the brackets.
5. The sloppiness of of spring thaw.
6. The smell of the earth ripening for another cycle.
7. Bright green buds.
8. This year, FLORIDA!!!
9. Spring Equinox.
10. Did I mention my birthday?

Happy March to all of you!

1 comment:

Mnmom said...

Happy upcoming birthday to you and the guy. Can't wait to smell some thawed dirt!
Also, won't it be fun to live in my sustainable development with community gardens??????