Tuesday, October 20, 2009

At the Dentist

I went back to Illinois this past weekend to have some work done a filling. The dentist who worked on me the first time PLAINLY wrote in my file that I have a slow reaction to Novocain.

Slow reaction should probably be rewritten as: Please have patient come in to office 1 hour prior to any procedure so that Novocain can work.

The dentist shot me up with about 6 shots of the stuff at 11:30am and I ended up looking like Mary Jo Buttafuoco until about 5pm, Saturday. I had absolutely NO control of the left side of my mouth. I am glad it wasn't permanent.


brenda k said...

When I first saw MJ Buttafuco, before reading your post, I was thinking, "Hmmm.,..I wonder where this is going?" LOL NOw I completely understand!

Mnmom said...

Must run in the family, because I always need about 4-5 shots before anything gets numb. Or maybe my jaw muscles are just really fit from all the talking action they get.

How did it go in Illinois???????