Sunday, November 30, 2008

And More Thanksgiving Fun

MnMom told you all about here I have posted the food pics and others from the weekend. ENJOY!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



I wanted to post a video, but blogspot is not an option - I tried embeddng the video and that failed as here is the link, please enjoy the video and I will continue trying to "Geeksquad" my way around.

P.S. Thank you oldest sis!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jello Head

I drew the short straw yesterday and had to do the grocery shopping. I am usually very up for going to the store, should have known better. It went something like this:

I am in charge of the Green Bean Casserole (GBC) for Thanksgiving. I am a talented gourmet cook but my nieces and nephews claim that my GBC is the best (probably due to the fact that I double the amount of fried onions). Anyway, I was shopping for the ingredients for the the GBC and could not find the fried onions. Mind you, I was in the canned vegetable section and did grab two jars of Aunt Nellies pickled WHOLE beets-hands down the best pickled beet in a jar-just make sure you get WHOLE not sliced, they lose something the dissection-back to the story, I could NOT find the fried onions. I managed to find a helpful shelf stocker and he promptly took back to the canned vegetable isle and pointed to the fried onions-which were RIGHT NEXT to Aunt Nellie's pickled beets. I felt so stupid-but it gets better...
being a Jenkins and all I had to offer my "two cents worth" and told the stocker guy and another employee who came around the corner that they should really have an end cap with the all three GBC ingredients together since it is Thanksgiving. The two of them did an eye roll and promptly took me around the corner and said, "like this?"
"Oh, never mind," (Roseanna Roseanna Danna style) is all I said - and by the way I had grabbed two cans of green beans from this very end cap just moments before I could not find the fried onions...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Raising a Boy

I tell ya, I never imagined myself as a sports person. In fact I have always been into music, drama, art, and yes even marching band (still get goosebumps watching DCI).

I have a 6 year old boy...and he is all boy. I know more about Star Wars than I care to admit. I can hold my own against an impressive offensive line in two-hand touch football AND have to listen to endless stories about battles and imaginary sports games.

Also, if MG thinks that my flatulence is surprising then he has not been around a group of 6-8 year old boys in while. MY GOD! The burping, farting, and endless talking of those bodily functions is just not something I thought I would have to be subjected to daily.

On the flip side-my son is such a light. He dances, plays the drums, and put on plays. He also loves to dress up in different "costumes." I posted a few pics here to demonstrate. Enjoy and wish me luck here in testosteroneland...

Friday, November 21, 2008

How DO You Spell Relief? S-O-L-D

I sold my little house pictured above). I got enough in the sale to cover my mortgages, pay the realtor and then have a bit left over to pay off other debt. I AM SO LUCKY!

It was an emotional sale for me. The house is an 1875 Victorian Cottage in a GREAT neighborhood. It's brick and has a lovely front porch with a swing that glows the most brilliant yellow every fall.

I brought my only child home to this house. It was my nest of creativity, joy, and relaxation. I will miss it.

I will not miss sitting next to frozen pipes in the winter with a blow dryer in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Nor will I miss the mice that took shelter every fall in my mudroom. I will also not miss my "one butt kitchen."

I close on December 12th...everything is set. I just have to stop holding my breath.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thank you Thank you Thank you

Thank you to all who have wished me a big welcome to blog-o-matic. I must say it is enjoyable to know that I can download the crazy crap in my head once in a while.

I am still trying to figure out how to get my scanner hooked up properly (thank you MG for the scanner, printer, computer, etc.). Once I have that figured out my sisters, MnMom and Cheesecake Maven will maybe want me to stop blogging.

My schweetie just brought me wine..mmm-my I am a lucky woman. I have posted a few pics of us and I will not go on and on about how much I am in love with him or how we met or the fact that I moved to a subdivision in a way western Chicago burb to be with him or tell you how gooshy we are together because MG and MnMom will make fun of me (again)...but I just have to say that I am so LUCKY AND HAPPY!!!! Hee hee hee hee...
as my schweetie would say, "Spread the Love, baby."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Notice what you notice and then ask why...

So the BIG 3 auto makers want a bailout?? Mmmmm...let's make a short list of those who might be able and are responsible for our current economic woes and see if we might be able to help them out...

1. Bush/Cheney
2. Private Contractors in Iraq. i.e. Halliburton, CICA, Blackwater
3. Mobile/Exxon - who reported HUGE profits in their fourth quarter

I hope that with new leadership comes innovative ideas for the auto industry that will create new jobs and clean up the environment...

What a mess to have to clean up.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Here I am

It is snowing outside, there is a nice pot of Thai Coconut Chicken Soup on the stovetop and there are two 6 year olds screaming at the top of their lungs while jumping from the top step to the bean bag at the relaxing.

Gearing up for Thanksgiving...which this year will involve me, my 6 yr old and my boyfriend and his two teenagish boys taking an RV on the road. That's right-Griswolds look out!! Of course the boys are thrilled and already fighting over who gets to sleep over the cab. I will take lots of photos-promise.

In the meantime-here is a photo of the three boys under the giant silver jelly bean (Millenium Park, Chicago).